Project Management

Project management and detailed planning is a major part of the fabrication process. Our experienced team of project managers go the extra mile to uncover the complex challenges that our clients face, allowing for unparralleled execution. Eisen is able to consistently exceed customer expectations and deliver on promises throughout all phases of the project – Planning, Execution, Delivery and Erection.

1. Planning

In the first stage, we assign a project engineer and project manager to handle technical and commercial affairs of the project. Based on the complexity of the project scope, the project engineer outlines the following items:

  • Materials and resources requirements
  • The roles of major contractors
  • Project goals and milestones
  • Specifications
  • Production schedule
  • Logistics

2. Execution

Project resources are mobilized as needed. Throughout the execution phase, the project engineer proactively monitors, controls and reports the progress of the project including material procurement, engineering, subcontracting, and any associated variations to satisfy customer needs.

The specific project requirements created are communicated to other departments including:

  • Purchasing
  • Engineering
  • Manufacturing
  • Quality Control
  • Finance

Updates and revisions are incorporated throughout the project as necessary, and Eisen provides constant communications to all stakeholders.

3. Delivery

Prior to transporting materials to the construction site, a site support coordinator is assigned to assist the project engineer in providing service to Eisen customers. The site support coordinator monitors the site throughout this phase of the project, communicating any additional customer needs to the project engineer. When erection is included in Eisen’s scope of work, the site support coordinator also serves as a liaison between the site engineer and the project engineer.

4. Erection

Once the components arrive on the jobsite, the structure can be assembled exactly as was planned in the initial stages of the project. Erection is extremely simple due to diligent preparation, so costly work arounds are avoided. Quality control is ensured by our experienced team.